Dear IMS Families and Friends,

With the school year in full swing, our students have settled into their daily routine and the sounds of their learning and laughter fill our 14 schools with joy. As always, we have a lot of exciting things happening in our network: one of our schools is turning 100 this year and one of our students was the very first to be accepted to Cristo Rey Philadelphia’s Class of 2027!

I am especially excited to update you on our five-year strategic plan and the fundraising campaign to support it. Here are some highlights:

  • Financial commitments from donors have reached $32.3M toward a goal of $50M. To date, we have received two Pennsylvania state grants and pledges from 31 private, individual and foundation donors. More on the campaign will be announced soon.
  • Students achieved improvements in reading and math, despite schools across the country reporting
    significant Covid-related learning loss over the past school year, and amidst the introduction of new math and literacy curricula rollouts across our network.
  • Over 25% of our 8th graders were accepted to a high-achieving high school, having competed for admission. High school readiness initiatives continue to support our families and we have already held three high school fairs this school year.

Long term sustainability and family affordability are extremely important areas of focus. On average, an IMS family contributes just over $200 per month to send a child to one of our schools, an amount that may seem affordable but is still challenging to many. Using PA tax credit scholarships, and support from individuals like our amazing St. Helena alum (her story is featured here) and foundations, we’re able to provide financial aid to all families who apply.

As part of this five-year campaign, we are building an endowment to support financial aid. This will help us ensure all students—those who need just the last few dollars, as well as those who can afford only the bare minimum—are able to receive the same quality education in a faith-based environment.

Thank you for your support in the past, present and hopefully, as part of this journey as we move ahead to become a model school network, not only locally, but nationally as well.

Bruce Robinson, President & CEO